Father Son climb on Mount Rainier July 2017

Mountains are for views and inspiation... but fruit is grown in the valley's!
Over the past 28 years, by God’s Spirit, Stan and his wife Kristina have lived a life of trust and dependence upon Jesus, with his written word as their anchor and hope. God has brought them from dual careers in the world, to a place of daily intimate trust in him. They have witnessed first hand the Lord’s intimate care and provision for all of their needs (and many desires as well), as their family has grown. They’re a living testimony of God’s faithfulness to his word and to his children, in this day and culture.
Stan loves to preach the word of God any chance that he gets, and has a huge heart for sharing the simple timeless unchang-ing gospel of Jesus with any who'll listen. The subjects of
Stan Busby (55) Usk, Washington. Husband, father of 12 (and grandpa to 10, evangelist, Bible believer, mountain guide, rope course builder, and co-founder and director of the Climbers With Christ Ministry. Pictured here with his daughter Abigail near the summit of Mount Rainier in 2018.
30 years ago God lead Stan and Kristina Busby to the word based evangelistic outdoor ministry of Climbers With Christ. With the help of many like-minded faithful friends and family, they (and their 12 children) have given the gospel and God's words away to hundreds of people through the many different “outdoor pulpits” of the Northwest's high mountains, valleys, and rocky crags. God continues to bring people to the mountainous and wilderness environments of our local high and low alpine for personal growth, struggle and refinement. And for their refreshment. That they might see and encounter God.
Trusting God to be faithful to his written word, Climbers With Christ has been run as a truly “faith based” ministry in that Stan and Kristina and the Climbers With Christ "family" have never charged a fee for ANY of the outings. Rock and alpine climbing, mountaineering, high ropes facilitation, training, and constuction, backcountry skiing, and showshoeing, along with all the Christian Outdoor Leadership (COL) seminars and guide trainings and courses have ALL been offered to ANY who'll attend, and availed at no cost to the participants.
Stan is one of four boys, born and raised in a Christian family, that moved to Spokane when he was eight. He has always loved the out-of-doors; hiking, hunting, fishing, and climbing in most every part of the state. He attended the Mead government schools in North Spokane, where he excelled at wrestling, and perfected the art of walking with “one foot in and one foot outside” the boundaries. While pursuing bodybuilding, a wrestling scholarship took him to University of Montana in 1987, and then to WSU where he eventually succumbed to the world, and left college to enter the workforce in Spokane where he soon after met his wife to be at a "party" in north Spokane. Stan and his wife Kristina were married in March of 1990. A little over a year into their very rocky marriage, believing himself to be a Christian but headed for “a sure and fiery destination”, Stan heard again the simple gospel message one morning in their home in downtown Spokane, finally surrendered and was saved - by the grace of God, from a horrible “slime-pit” of a life. Kristina was saved shortly thereafter.
Following an intense time of prayer, and desiring “to go to the mission-field”, God led them to begin the outdoor ministry of Climbers With Christ (CWC), using the passion God had instilled in them for the out-of-doors and to share the powerful and life-giving message of a completely new life in Jesus with the climbing community. In more recent years God has directed much of the ministry of CWC towards the church, as an antidote to the ever increasing “Creation Deficit Disorder” (CDD) that so plagues the American church. Stan has been working in outdoor mission- fields as an evangelist and mountain guide ever since.
In 2002, God called them to the Pend Oreille Valley in Northeastern Washington, working with a Climbers With Christ food and clothing outreach to the local communities and (unbeknownst to them at the time), to start a new Christian fellowship in the area. Stan pastored Valley Christian Fellowship in Metaline for seven years before stepping down in December of 2010.
God has continued to open doors for Stan and his family to share the gospel of Jesus and the Word of God in many different outdoor pulpits through the ministry of CWC. He has helped lead over 1000 outings - in many of the northwest's remote and mountainous regions, rock-climbing crags, and 100’s of high and low challenge course events as well. CWC facilitates year round outings for those both within the church and without, and teaches biblical based outdoor leadership ministry and mountaineering skills through its 3-5 day Christian Outdoor Leadership (COL) seminars. In 2009 Stan had the blessing of leading a team to the summit of Mount Rainier for the 22nd time, of which his 16 year old son Joshua and his 10 year old daughter Rachelle were part. Since then, he and Climbers With Christ have been blessed to summit the mountain 42 of 45 trips - several of these with his children, including his 9 year old son Jacob. He and his family currently live just outside of Usk, Washington in the Pend Oreille river valley, where they’re raising seven children still at home, ages 6 to 16 years. They share the property with their two horses, two dogs, three rabbits and a cat. Stan and Kristina will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary in March of 2020.
Passionate Biblical Marriage, Trust in God’s Perfect Word, Living An Abundant “Fear-free” Life of Faith, and A Completely New Creature remain amongst those favored most by Stan to preach on. He has come to rest in and rely upon the truth that God loves us, and has indeed written his very words down in a book we can all read, and that by the power of his Spirit, God will lead and guide his children into all truth... just as he said (John 16:13, 17:17KJV).
Stan Busby - Owner/Operations Director of Climbers With Christ 31 years - founded 1991; 31 years rock & ice climbing, mountaineering, ski mountaineering, and ropes course facilitation and maintainence experience (31 years as lead guide - successfully leading climbs on Mt Baker, Mount Shuksan, Glacier Peak, the Liberty Bell group, Mount Adams, Mount Hood, and 50+ successful climbs on Mount Rainier, & numerous rock, ice, and alpine climbs in the Cascades of Washington, the Selkirks Mountains of Idaho and southern British Columbia, and Montana); Site manager/head challenge course facilitator Riverveiw Bible Camp 1999-2005; Challenge course facilitator Selkirk High School high elements challenge course 2005-2007; Builder/ site manager/head facilitator Upper Pend Oreille Challenge Course 2007-2016; Builder/site manager/head facilitator Templed Hills Camp Montana high elements challenge course and rock climbing program 2009-2012, Pend Oreille Valley High Ropes Challenge Course 2013-2016, Ranger Mountain Montana 2017-2019, Bear Paw Camp High Ropes Challenge Course 2017-present); 25 Wilderness First Reponder (AERIE Backcountry Medicine MT); 1996 American Alpine Institute (AAI); Curriculum and skills director for CWC Mountain School and Guide Courses, and the 4-5 day Christian Outdoor Leadership (COL) Ministry and Mountaineering Seminar sponcered and directed by Climbers With Christ.
Contact Information: climberswithchrist@hotmail.com
Updated: December 2022